Motherboard Replacement for Zebra MC333R-G (RFID)

Motherboard Replacement for Zebra MC333R-G (RFID)
Motherboard Replacement for Zebra MC333R-G (RFID)

MC3300-G Configuration

MC33XX–G Premium (K)
WLAN: IEEE®802.11a/b/g/n/ac/d/h/i/k/r/w, WPAN: Bluetooth V4.1, V2.1 + EDR w/ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)NFC
4.0” color
4 GB RAM / 16 GB Flash
SE965 1D, SE4750-SR 2D, SE4850-ER 2D
Android-basedAOSP/GMS 7.1.2
Numeric (29 Key), Function Numeric (38 Key), Alpha Numeric (47 Key)

MC33XX–G Premium + (K)
WLAN: IEEE®802.11a/b/g/n/ac/d/h/i/k/r/w, WPAN: Bluetooth V4.1, V2.1 + EDR w/ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)NFC
4.0” color
4 GB RAM / 32 GB Flash
SE965 1D, SE4750-SR 2D, SE4850-ER 2D
Android-basedAOSP/GMS 7.1.2
Numeric (29 Key), Function Numeric (38 Key), Alpha Numeric (47 Key)

MC33XX–G Standard (M)
WLAN: IEEE®802.11a/b/g/n/ac/d/h/i/k/r/w, WPAN: Bluetooth V4.1, V2.1 + EDR w/ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
4.0” color
2 GB RAM / 16 GB Flash
SE965 1D, SE4750-SR 2D
Android-basedAOSP/GMS 7.1.2
Numeric (29 Key), Function Numeric (38 Key), Alpha Numeric (47 Key)

Motherboard for Motorola Symbol MC3300x


Wireless Option  
MC330L-XXXXXXXX         L    802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/d/h/i/r/k/v/w/mc, NFC, BT 5.0 BLE, 2x2 MU-M

Form Factors
"MC330L-GXXXXXXX       G   Gun
MC330L-SXXXXXXX         S   Straight Shooter
MC330L-RXXXXXXX"       R   Rotating (Turret) Head

Data Capture Options (Scanner)
MC330X-XLXXXXXX        L     SE965 1D Laser
MC330X-XHXXXXXX       H    SE4720 1D/2D Imager (Only available on select China SKUs)
MC330X-XJXXXXXX        J     SE4770 1D/2D Standard Range Imager
MC330X-XKXXXXXX       K     SE4770 @ 45° 1D/2D Standard Range Imager (N/A Gun Conf
MC330X-XEXXXXXX       E     SE4850ER 1D/2D Extended Range Imager
MC330X-XCXXXXXX       C     SE965 1D Laser with 13MP Camera (N/A Gun Config.)
MC330X-XAXXXXXX       A     SE4770 1D/2D Std. Range Imager with 13MP Camera (N/A Gun Config.)
MC330X-XMXXXXXX      M    SE4770 @ 45° 1D/2D Std. Imager with 13MP Camera (N/A Gun Config.)
MC330X-XGXXXXXX       G    SE4850ER 1D/2D Ext. Range Imager with 13MP Camera (N/A Gun Config.)

Keyboard Option   
MC330X-XX2XXXXX       2    29 Key Numeric
MC330X-XX3XXXXX       3    38 Key Function-Numeric
MC330X-XX4XXXXX       4    47 Key Alpha-Numeric

Battery Option
MC330X-XXXEXXXX       E    Extended Capacity Battery, 7000mAh

Operating System Options
MC330X-XXXXAXXX       A   Non-GMS (Only on China specific SKUs)

Memory Options
MC330X-XXXXX3XX       3   4GB RAM | 16GB Flash (Only available on select China SKUs
MC330X-XXXXX4XX       4   4GB RAM | 32GB Flash

Country Code or Custom
MC330X-XXXXXXNA        NA  North America (Includes US, Canada & Puerto Rico)
MC330X-XXXXXXRW       RW  Rest of the World
MC330X-XXXXXXIN         IN  India
MC330X-XXXXXXCN       CN  China
MC330X-XXXXXXTR        TR  Turkey

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  • Código de Producto: CYB-16558
  • Existencia: Disponible
  • US $348.00

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